Monday 30 April 2007

1857-2007: The foundation stone

The countdown has begun! On Sunday 29th April we celebrated an important milestone: 150 years since the Cathedral's foundation stone was laid. The Bishop celebrated the main Sunday morning Mass, and blessed a commemorative plaque marking the day. A parish lunch followed (the fruits of a small but amazingly dedicated team of workers!) and we drew the first winner of the '150 club', which will raise money for the 150th celebrations.

Despite extensive searches, nobody has been able to identify the foundation stone. Typically, it would be on the north side of the sanctuary (at the east end of the church), but it doesn't appear to be marked in any way.

The day of celebrations marked the beginning of our preparations for the Cathedral's 150th anniversary celebrations, which take place in October 2009. Already there's a lot planned: a major exhibition and a book of the parish's history; a range of social events and events for families and children; an appeal to raise money for a nominated charity project for the year; a parish pilgrimage/holiday to Rome. Other ideas are welcome! More information from our 150th website:

The stone was made by a local monumental mason.
Eventually we hope to find it a permanent home in the Cathedral.

A mighty fine lunch!

1857-2007: The foundation stone

The countdown has begun! On Sunday 29th April we celebrated an important milestone: 150 years since the Cathedral's foundation stone was laid. The Bishop celebrated the main Sunday morning Mass, and blessed a commemorative plaque marking the day. A parish lunch followed (the fruits of a small but amazingly dedicated team of workers!) and we drew the first winner of the '150 club', which will raise money for the 150th celebrations.

Despite extensive searches, nobody has been able to identify the foundation stone. Typically, it would be on the north side of the sanctuary (at the east end of the church), but it doesn't appear to be marked in any way.

The day of celebrations marked the beginning of our preparations for the Cathedral's 150th anniversary celebrations, which take place in October 2009. Already there's a lot planned: a major exhibition and a book of the parish's history; a range of social events and events for families and children; an appeal to raise money for a nominated charity project for the year; a parish pilgrimage/holiday to Rome. Other ideas are welcome! More information from our 150th website: