There is no doubt that, as Cathedrals go, Lancaster is fairly small. The size can certainly have its advantages - not least that the Cathedral very much maintains a parish feel alongside its other roles and duties. Even though small, it is at times an incredibly complicated place. Today for example, the variety of work has been notable: the booklets for Midnight Mass have been printed, then folded and stapled by volunteers (above); lights have been put on the Christmas trees, and further work has been done on preparing the crib; this evening the choir have been practising for Midnight Mass, and (below) the flower ladies have been hard at work all day, readying arrangements to be put out on Monday.

All of this is on top of the events of the day: two Masses, sung Vespers and a full-school Christmas Prayer Service in the Cathedral this afternoon. Nearly all the work is done by volunteers - we are very lucky!