On Saturday evening a good number of people braved the dreadful weather to come and have their spirits lifted by the Greater Manchester Police Male Voice Choir (GMPMVC), performing for the first time at the Cathedral. The choir was founded in 1974 and has sung in many Eurpoean countries. They visited the Cathedral at the end of a tour of the North East, though their numbers were a little depleted due to singers taking summer holidays.
The performance took place in aid of the Cathedral's Organ Restoration Fund, and the choir generously gave their time free of charge to help the fund reach its target. Throughout the concert the music was accompanied by a desire to entertain, with a fair amount of humour helping the evening along. All in all it was a wonderful occasion; many thanks to the choir for performing here. The concert marked the end of the current season. Keep an eye on the blog for details of the new season when the programme is announced in a few weeks' time.