November promises to be a busy month, with many and varied events taking place. It is a special month of prayer for the dead, and with this in mind Masses for the deceased are celebrated particularly on All Souls' Day (3rd November); the Cathedral Chapter will also celebrate a requiem Mass on Tuesday 4th at 12:15pm, and the those who have died in conflict will be remembered in our prayers on the weekend 8th/9th November. On the same theme, the Skipton Camerata will perform Mozart's Requiem on Sunday 2nd at 8pm; other concerts include Encore Operatic Society (7th), cellist Jamie Walton with pianist Daniel Grimwood (14th) and the Lancaster Singers performing Handel's Messiah (29th). There's a talk on Guy Fawkes (8th) and a chance to get some unique gifts in our pre-Christmas craft fair (19th). There are several major feasts, including All Saints' Day (2nd), the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (9th) and Christ the King (23rd), before we reach Advent at the end of the month. The greatest highlight of the month will be the ordination to the priesthood of Rev. Andrew Dawson, who did a short summer placement at the Cathedral a couple of years ago. The full diary for November can be found here.