Today we offer a few pictures from the recent Lancaster Diocese Lourdes pilgrimage, which was led by Bishop Campbell. This was not a new experience for him: you may remember that he led the pilgrimage last year while Bishop O'Donoghue was at the World Youth Day in Sydney.
Near the candles by the Grotto, here the Bishop is seen talking to some of the youth section. Despite the recession, the poor exchange rate and the fact that last year was
the year to be in Lourdes, the number of pilgrims travelling with the Diocese (especially in the youth section) held up very well.
Here the Bishop appears to be supervising some candle-lighting! As the pictures suggest, for most of the week the weather was fiercly hot.
Many thanks to Blog reader Berenice, of Westminster, for sending us these images. If you have any images relating to Cathedral or Lancaster diocesan life, please do send them in. Our contact details can be found