Seven years ago today Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue, largely unknown in the Diocese, was installed as our fifth Bishop. He came from the Archdiocese of Westminster, where he had served as an auxiliary bishop under Cardinal Hume and later Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor. As it is the last time the anniversary will occur during Bishop Patrick's episcopate here, it seems a good opportunity to post a few pictures of the day.

As you would expect, the Cathedral was packed full; aside from the priests people of the Diocese, there were civic and ecumenical leaders. A fair number of priests also came from Westminster to say farewell to the Bishop and see him installed in his Cathedral.

Sister Zela from St Thomas More's church is pictured at the ambo. The Cardinal stands out in his red choir dress, and there are other bishops just visible on the same row. The eagle-eyed may also spot Fr Michael Docherty, former assistant priest at the Cathedral, to the left of the pillar. At that time he was studying for the priesthood in Rome.

Outside the newly-installed Bishop of Lancaster posed with the Cardinal and Archbishop Patrick Kelly of Liverpool. By the look of it, they all enjoyed the day! There are surprisingly few photographs of the day in our archive. If anyone has photographs of the installation or knows where we might find some, please
contact us.