In addition to yesterday's posting, a few more images from Saturday's visit to Ushaw and Durham. All of these pictures have been sent in by two parishioners - Ray and Josie - who were on the trip. Above, the group assembles outside the front of Ushaw as we wait to go in.

The screen which separates the choir from the ante-chapel in St Cuthbert's is highly impressive. It was originally designed by A.W. Pugin, then enlarged for the present chapel which opened in 1884. The decoration on the screen is by Bentley, the architect who designed Westminster Cathedral.

To the right of the screen is Ushaw's most famous statue, Our Lady of Help. Tradtionally students are given a photograph of this statue when they finish at the college.

Beyond the screen is the main body of the chapel, where there was a chance to rest weary legs while taking in its beauty.

This picture gives a good sense of the size of the refectory. Above the fireplace at the far end is a contemporary portrait of Cardinal William Allen, who founded the English College at Douai, Ushaw's predecessor.

Just outside the refectory is a large portrait of Dr John Lingard, mentioned in yesterday's posting.

And for those who didn't make it up the tower, here's a glimpse of the view, looking south-west. We were very lucky with the weather!