Throughout the world the Church celebrates today the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Peter was the first man chosen by Christ to lead the Church, and Paul was its greatest preacher. The Cathedral is dedicated to St Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and so today is our patronal feast. Since it falls on a Sunday this year there is a chance to mark the feast with extra solemnity. The main celebration is at 10:30am Mass this morning, at which both the adult choir and the junior choristers will be singing. After Mass there will be a parish barbeque. This afternoon we will pray the 'Way of St Peter' devotion, based on the Cathedral's windows, at 4pm; solemn sung Vespers follows at 4:40pm.
The Cathedral's statue of St Peter is modelled on the one in the Vatican. Many people touch the foot of the statue as they enter or leave the Cathedral. As they do so they say a short prayer, usually invoking the help of our patron. Prayers will be said at the statue later today, especially for Pope Benedict, Peter's successor, chosen by God to lead the Church in our own time.