Monday, 22 September 2008

Fit for Mission? Church

This is a familiar sight at Cathedral House in recent years: the Bishop sat at his desk with pen in hand, responding to letters or writing documents. His latest offering is part of the Fit for Mission? series and is an initial response to the proposals submitted by the Diocesan Mission Review team earlier this year. The document, called Fit for Mission? Church has been circulated to parishes and will soon be published by the Catholic Truth Society (CTS), whose website can be found here.

Now this document has been commended by the Holy See, with a letter from Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, Secretary of the Congregation for Clergy. He describes the document as "an effective, practical instrument for advancing the much heralded New Evangelisation. If this renewal of the Faith is to take root, it cannot remain a mere 'slogan' but must be woven into the web of contemporary culture. Fit for Mission? Church gives much needed indication as to the means of accomplishing this great mission of the Church."
A scanned version of the letter is seen here. Click on the image to enlarge it. The full press release from the Bishops' Office may be seen as a MS Word document by clicking here.