Saturday 13 December 2008

Baroque by Candlelight

Last night the Lancashire Sinfonietta returned to the Cathedral to perform Baroque music in a candlelit setting. This is now the third year they have performed at the Cathedral, and their popularity here conitues to grow.

A great crowd came to hear them perform, braving the fairly miserable Lancaster weather to reach the Cathedral. At the start of the concert they witnessed the presentation of a Marque of Excellence for welcome, awarded to the Cathedral and received by the Bishop - more on that on the Blog this coming Monday.

People seem to enjoy the atmosphere created by candlelight, especially at this time of year. The concert was one of the most popular ever held at the Cathedral, with ticket prices kept down thanks to the support of Lancashire County Council, who sponsor the Sinfonietta.

Works performed included Vivaldi's 'Winter', Handel's Concerto Grosso in B flat and concerti for oboe and harpsicord by J. S. Bach. The concert was directed by Terence Charlston, previously organ scholar at Westminster Cathedral in the 1980s, where he knew Bishop Patrick, who was sub-administrator there at the time.

The concert marked the last non-liturgical event at the Cathedral this year. Fans will be pleased to hear that the Lancashire Sinfonietta will be back next year.