It seems fairly clear now that Pope Benedict will visit Britain next year, with a tour seemingly planned for next September. He's coming as a guest of the British government, and the trip will be an official state visit. It appears that the news was leaked yesterday by staff accompanying the Prime Minister on his trip to New York; an official announcement is yet to be made. Needless to say, the Cathedral parish will take a full part in the Pope's visit when it comes around. The visit of St Thérèse has shown that the Catholic faithful can still appear in great crowds when the occasion is right, and no doubt huge numbers will turn out to see the Pope next year. The last papal visit was in 1982 (Billington's Blog has a reminder
here). Meanwhile, the tour of St Thérèse continues and the relics have today arrived in Liverpool. Click
here to see the latest updates on our St Thérèse blog.