Tuesday 6 January 2009

Seminarians' Visit

Yesterday the seminarians (trainee priests) of the Diocese came for their annual visit. Fr Andrew Dawson, who was ordained at the Cathedral in November, was the main celebrant at 12:15pm Mass and presided at Vespers later in the day. In between the seminarians had a talk on life as a student in the Middle Ages, given by Prof. Andrew Jotischky of Lancaster University, and a talk on the Lancaster Martyrs, given by Patrick Sherry, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at Lancaster. In 'Fit for Mission? Church', Bishop Patrick wrote, "I would like to encourage a greater devotion to the martyrs of our diocese, because I am very much aware of the truth of that ancient saying, 'The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church'." Hopefully the future priests of our Diocese will find strength in the witness and intercession of the martyrs as they continue their studies. The seminarians are pictured at the Martyrs' Memorial with Prof. Sherry (left of the memorial) and Fr Manny Gribben, Vocations Director (right of the memorial). The Diocese has its own Vocations Blog, which can be found here.