A final selection of photographs from the ordination day. Above, two bishops of the Lancaster Diocese leave the Cathedral, where only one had entered.

Outside, Fr Groody realises that an MC's work is never done.
A considerable number of priests had cameras at the ready, hoping to get a reminder of the day.
Inside the house, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor meets the Cathedral's Director of Music, Damian Howard, after the ordination.
Now the Diocese can march forward with two bishops leading the way! We have exhausted just about every angle of the ordination over the last few days, and this is the last posting. There will be information about the DVD and the photographs being made available, as and when these are ready and prices have been worked out. And for Bishop Michael's many friends, on both sides of the Irish Sea and both sides of the Atlantic, be assured that when he passes through the Cathedral, we'll keep you up to date.