Yet another day of ordination photos may seem a bit extreme, but we're not quite done yet! As the last episcopal ordination here was 46 years ago, it seems as though we should make the most of the excellent pictures that were taken.

Today, a few shots of the rest of the Mass. Above, Bishop Patrick places incense in the thurible at the start of Mass.

Here, people sit to hear one of the Scripture readings. The mitred heads of the bishops are easy to spot!

Above, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor preaches to a full house.
Finally, a wonderful shot of Bishop Patrick at the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer. With bishops, priests and people all assembled, there is indeed a great sense of the Church gathered to gather to celebrate the mysteries that Christ has given us. We have a couple more days worth of photos left, with some of the more unusual/interesting saved to the end, so keep visiting!