Tuesday 28 April 2009

A call from the Lord

Next Sunday is dedicated as a special day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and in many parishes there will be speakers, promotional materials displayed and prayers offered for this cause. At the recent Chrism Mass Bishop O'Donoghue spoke of his 42 years as a priest and bishop, saying that his time in priestly ministry had been "a gift from the Lord." He will, of course, retire from his role as Bishop of Lancaster on Friday, but remains a bishop and a priest and will continue to serve the Church, albeit in a slightly less stressful way! During his time in Lancaster he has often reminded us of the need to pray for vocations and - thankfully - there are more seminarians for the Diocese now than when he began. Constant prayer is still needed, as is the generosity of those whom the Lord is calling. Could it be you? The Diocese has its own vocations promotion blog and is currently looking for men interested in the priesthood to consider spending a year at the dioceasn House of Formation. You can find more on the vocations blog - click here.