With just over two weeks until Lent begins, it's time to look ahead to our programme of catechesis taking place in the run-up to Easter. The popular 'Curious about...' series is back, this time looking at Holy Week, the time between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Five sessions will explore the meaning of the death and resurrection of Christ and the way in which we celebrate this great event in the liturgy. There'll be insights into the liturgy of the sacred Triduum, and also the other events of the week, including the Chrism Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. All the talks are free and take place on Tuesday evenings, beginning at 7:30pm in St Walburga's (the 'day chapel', accessed from Balmoral Road). The first talk is on Tuesday 23rd February; a full list of dates and talk titles, along with other information, can be found here.