Today is the final day of the year for staff and children at the Cathedral Primary School. Another busy year has been completed and an excellent set of SATs results prove that all the hard work has paid off. The school has been getting involved with the Cathedral's 150th anniversary celebrations, too: already children have been involved in the drama
Peter's Progress and in the Flower Festival. Some children helped with the Dr Dixon festival in May and three classes visited the Anne Frank Exhibition. The tiles pictured here, which line the wall just inside the school entrance, also part of the Cathedral Primary School's celebrations.
Each child had the opportunity to produce a tile, and close up it is fascinating to see the variety of styles and inspirations for the work. Some have used a Gospel scene such as the Crucifixion; others have taken the Cathedral builing or an aspect of parish life as the starting point. One of these tiles, for example, is inspired by the Cathedral's choir and musical life.
It seems as though a number of children took their lead from the Cathedral's 150th anniversary logo, which can be seen in the right-hand column of this blog.
And finally - an impressive reproduction of the
Bishop's coat of arms. Our best wishes go to all the children of the school and to their families, and to all the staff, as the summer holidays begin.