This picture of St Thérèse, from the materials the Cathedral produced for schools ahead of the visit of her relics, shows her performing a small act of service while in Carmel. Such acts are at the very heart of Thérèse's spirituality: she teaches not great gestures, but small, everyday acts of love - small kindnesses shown to others motivated by a love of Jesus Christ. This is the 'Little Way' of which Thérèse spoke.

With this in mind, the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales proposes to us 'Little Way Week'. It began last Sunday (don't worry - you can join in late!) and is the first major initiative aimed at following up the visit. The basic idea is very simple: each day this week, perform one small act of kindness beyond what you would normally do; if anyone asks why you have done it, be prepared to explain something of the 'Little Way' to them. You can find out more about Little Way Week and see suggestions of how to take part on the Bishops' Conference website:
click here to take a look.