As the tour of England and Wales nears its end, we continue our look back at the Lancaster visit with some scenes from the departure of the relics on the morning of Wednesday 30th September. Several ,members of the Cathedral Chapter were present and about 300 people, including many schoolchildren, were present for the final liturgy.

Just before the departure liturgy got underway, funeral director Adrian Forsey is seen here briefing the Cenacolo men who were to carry the relics. Fr Chris Loughran, their chaplain, looks on. Adrian has accompanied the relics around the UK, driving the hearse and overseeing all the movements of the relics.

Bishop Campbell, who had presided over many of the major liturgies, is seen here giving a final blessing before the relics depart.

Then, 43 hours after their arrival and having been seen by 6500 visitors, the relics were carried out of the Cathedral's west doors.

At 11:10am the reliquary was placed in the hearse ready for the journey to Newcastle. Fr Stewart Keeley, the diocesan Master of Ceremonies, is seen to the left, with two of the Cathedral's altar servers.

As the relics were driven out of the gates, people applauded in gratitude for a wonderful couple of days. Sometime after this picture was taken a rose was thrown onto the car, and the relics were driven away with this single flower remaining on the roof of the hearse. We still have some wonderful images to share, and these will be posted over these next few days, along with ongoing coverage of the relics' visit to Westminster Cathedral.