November is a month of prayer for dead, and this month's diary includes a number of requiem Masses. After today's feast of All Saints, tomorrow is All Souls' Day, when we remember all the faithful departed. There is a chapter Mass for the dead on Tuesday 10th, and on 17th the Cathedral hosts the deanery Mass for the dead. The 10:30am Mass next Sunday, Remembrance Day, will also be a time of prayer for the dead, and our annual parish requiem Mass takes place on the evening of Friday 20th. Other events this month include a Gregorian Chant workshop (14th), a piano recital (6th) and a pre-Christmas homemade craft fair (18th). The Cathedral's
150th anniversary exhibition also continues, until 21st November. There's lots more, and you can get all the details

In his penultimate month of posting, Canon Billington's blog features the Cathedral Chapter through the ages. There will also be reports on the foundation of the Diocese of Lancaster (November 1924), the deaths of Bishop Flynn, Bishop T. B. Pearson and Provost William Walker, the second rector of St Peter's. The consecration of the altar of St Charles Borromeo will be featured, as will the appointment of Bishop Robert Dobson, who was ordained bishop after a brief spell in charge of this parish. All this and much more - you can find Billington's Blog