Thursday, 12 November 2009

St Thérèse: the DVD is now available

The wait is over! A couple of days ago we took delivery of the first batch of DVDs of the St Thérèse visit to Lancaster. Many people have already expressed an interest in the disk, and we are now beginning to send out the first copies. Here are a few highlights from the disk.

There's coverage of the arrival of the relics, both outside the Cathedral...

... and inside, where the footage includes much of the opening liturgy.

We tried to capture much of the experience of people visiting - even the arrival in Lancaster!

There is some moving coverage of the veneration of the relics, and great devotion to St Thérèse is evident in the film.

There are interviews with some of those who came to visit the relics, in which people speak about St Thérèse, their experience and what the event meant for them.

The film includes some coverage of one of the Masses. Overall, the DVD gives a great impression of the variety within the visit: the full Cathedral at Mass, the quietness of the church at 6am, and everything in between.

Words from the Bishop's homily are included in the DVD, and Fr Andrew speaks about St Thérèse's life and about the event from the Cathedral's point of view.

Finally, there's coverage of the departure of the relics, so that the whole story of the visit is told. Whether or not you have pre-ordered a copy, you are welcome to send in for the DVD now. The cost is £10 (plus £2 p&p if we are posting it to you) and cheques should be made payable to 'Cathedral 150 Fund'. When we receive payment we will then send the disk(s) to you; those who have already sent payment should receive theirs soon. Please send payment to: St Thérèse DVD, Cathedral House, Balmoral Road, Lancaster, LA1 3BT. If you need any more details, please contact us.