Electricity is one of those things we only think of when we no longer have it. Such was the case yesterday, when the Cathedral and presbytery were completely without power for most of the day. The effects were numerous: in the Cathedral no lights or microphones and no disabled access lift; the main organ was also out of action on the very day when it was due to come back into service! In Cathedral House no telephones, computers, photocopiers, no doorbell and limited kitchen facilities. Workmen from the electricity company came very quickly but in order to fix the problem they had to dig underneath the disabled access ramp at the main door. The result is a bit of a mess!

Everything continued in the Cathedral as usual, and the extra candles out for the 40 Hours helped provide light on the sanctuary. Power was restored at about 5pm, following a day's hard graft by a team of workers. The electricity supplier will rebuild the ramp (at their expense) during the week, and all in all have provided a very impressive service. It does mean, however, that disabled access into the Cathedral is currently only via Cathedral House. Anyone using a wheelchair is invited to
contact us in advance of coming, or at Mass times to seek assistance from someone on site.