Happy Feast Day! Today, for the 150th time, the Cathedral Church of St Peter in Lancaster keeps its patronal feast. To celebrate, the blog gives a few pictures of St Peter's statue by the Cathedral entrance. For the Flower Festival it has been decorated by Diane and Cathie Faunch.

Our patron is also wearing a gold cope today; the custom of dressing St Peter's statue on his feast is observed in many places, including at the Vatican and at Westminster Cathedral (a picture can be seen
here; we haven't yet got the papal tiara, but next year...) This display, like many, has been sponsored; the inscription given is an appropriate one: "We pray for an increase in the number of vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life."

St Peter shares his feast with another great Apostle, St Paul; it is worth noting that the year of St Paul ends today. Bishop Campbell will celebrate the Cathedral's main Sunday Mass at 10:30am as we mark our patronal feast in this anniversary year. If you're not a parishioner but are local enough, you might like to join us for sung Vespers this afternoon at 4:40pm.