Peering over some flowers in the organ loft, we see the man in whose honour this festival is taking place: St Peter, Prince of the Apostles and patron of our Cathedral. The organ loft displays have been sponsored in memory of Dr J. H. Reginald Dixon, the former Cathedral organist whom we featured back in May. The displays were designed and arranged by members of the Becconsall Flower Club: Anne White, Georgie Dagnall, Joan Twigger, Joan Foreshaw and Cath Poole.

The same team of ladies have also produced the arrangements beneath the organ gallery, and have made the area very attractive.

In some places the flowers appear to be climbing the walls... four floral banners hang from the nave piers; these are the work of Tracey Clode, Vicky Nevitt, Lorraine Stewart and Tanya Strange.

Flowers can be found in the most unlikely places, such as here, high up in the church.

Perhaps even less likely are these baskets of fruit, part of the display in the Whiteside Chantry. Did you spot them?

Even on the way out of the Cathedral there are displays to be seen: nowhere is left untouched! The festival remains open until 7:30pm.