During the Flower Festival the Baptistery has been turned into the prison which held St Peter when he was arrested for preaching the Gospel. Appropriately enough the events surrounding this imprisonment are the subject of today's first reading at Mass (Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11).

The display, which has been produced by the Lunesdale Flower Club, gives a wonderful impression of the prison. The impression of barbed wire, prison bars and chains is given.

Even the soldiers are present by the baptistery gates, and a ball and chain can be seen.

Just outside the baptistery, this scene represents Peter's escape, which concludes the story of his imprisonment. This display was arranged by Catherine Curran of Flowerstop (Lancaster), who also provided a great deal of help with our preparations for the festival. It is wonderful that the arrangers have used their artistic talents to represent the words of Scripture.