Year 4 children from the Cathedral Primary School spent the middle of the week at Brettargh Holt near Kendal. The retreat house is home to a community of Salesian Sisters, who run programmes for school children with the assistance of some youthful volunteers. Fr Andrew joined the group on Wednesday and celebrated Mass with them in the chapel, which was also used for other times of prayer during the day.

Some of the time was spent on workshops and activities. Here some of the children are making clay models under the watchful eye of Year 6 teacher Mrs Mattock, who was one of the staff on the trip.

Brettargh Holt is ideal for children. It is a fairly old house and so has a character that children enjoy. Here a rather tired group sit down for a few minutes in the entrance hall - one of the few short breaks between the activities.

There is also a great deal of space outside, making it great for games and sports. As you can imagine, all of them made the most of the opportunity!