Yesterday and today the Cathedral has been awash with flower arrangers, who have come from near and far to prepare for the Flower Festival which begins tomorrow. It's a hive of activity, and the church is really beginning to look quite magnificent.

Boxes full of flowers have been appearing since Tuesday afternoon, and yesterday floral artists were on site from 7am until nearly 11pm. A long day!

All of the side chapels, windowsills, corners - in short, every space - is being decorated. A number of different styles and a great deal of imagination are on display.

The Cathedral's own flower ladies are working in the Lady Chapel, preparing a scene representing the Transfiguration.

Everywhere you look there are flowers, people and a fair number of ladders!

Some are having to climb high to hang displays which have been prepared at ground level...

... while others are working on ladders to prepare their displays. This display is eight feet above the ground! Over the coming days there will be plenty of pictures on the blog, so do call back for a look. If you can get to Lancaster, however, there's only one way to see this great event: come to the Cathedral!

The Flower Festival opens tomorrow and can be visited anytime between 10am and 7:30pm, except during Mass and other services - click
here to check the times. There is no charge for entry; the festival programme costs £5. There will also be a concert featuring a string quartet from the Lancashire Sinfonietta (tickets £10, concessions £8, including festival programme) at 8pm tomorrow (Friday) evening - doors open for this at 7:30pm.