Today's your last chance to come and see the Flower Festival for yourself. Although we've put plenty of pictures on the blog there is so much more to see, so do call in if you get chance. This is the first sight that will greet you; it's part of a wonderful display in the narthex, the work of Fleetwood Flower Club.

Also in the narthex (and by the same team) is this splendid boat - a fine piece of work indeed!

The sanctuary looks quite magnificent, with some displays standing eight feet above the floor. It is the work of the Barrow Flower Club. Yesterday Bishop Campbell celebrated the 10:30am Mass, and spoke of how magnificent the displays were. In his homily he spoke of St Peter's character and also about the closure of the year of St Paul; the full text can be found

In the small chapel of St Charles Borromeo we see some of the hats of ecclesiastical office: the papal tiara (top of picture), a bishop's mitre (centre) and cardinal's red hat. The flower arrangements were produced by South Westmorland Flower Club and have been sponsored in honour of St Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline sisters. Our thanks are also due to Wendy Moore, Fr Peter Groody and Fr Stewart Keeley for their help with this display.

The Blessed Sacrament chapel has been inspired by Peter's threefold profession of love for Christ, made after the Lord had risen from the dead. This display was designed and arranged by the Bispham Flower Club, the North of Preston Flower Club and Lyn Constable and her students.

The same display is here seen from another angle; on the right of the picture we see some wool, reminding us of Jesus' words to Peter: "feed my lambs, feed my sheep".

Elsewhere in the Cathedral there are pedestals and other stand-alone arrangements; there is much to see! The festival is open today from 10am until 7:30pm (viewing possible at all times except during Mass at 12:15pm - until approx. 1pm) and refreshments are available in the Social Centre throughout. Tomorrow from 10:30am flowers will be available in exchange for a small donation - weather permitting, on the lawn outside Cathedral House. Call back to the blog later today for another set of pictures.