Yesterday morning the Flower Festival opened, with a steady stream of people coming through the doors all day. Many of the visitors have commented how amazed they are at what they see: it really is spectacular.

At first sight you'd struggle to believe this is indoors; in fact, it is part of the Whiteside Chantry in the Cathedral. This side chapel is completely filled with flowers and it looks wonderful. The display was designed and arranged by Melissa Bowring and Evelyn Shaw.

The Ambo is very colourfully decorated, and is the work of the Cathedral's own flower arrangers.

The festival is inspired by the life of St Peter, the patron of the Cathedral, whose feast is celebrated tomorrow. Many of the displays represent specific moments in his life. This arrangement, for example, represents the call of St Peter by the Sea of Galilee. It is the work of Garstang St Thomas Flower Club.

Just around the corner in the north transept is a scene depicting Peter's denial of Christ. The fire can be seen nearest the camera; behind, St Peter is seated (his sandals can be seen on the floor) with a cockerel by his feet. This display has been produced by Alison Cridland and Evelyn Shaw.

It was good to see so many people enjoying the flowers yesterday; the weather seems fairly good again today, which will hopefully encourage a few more visitors! We will show as much as we can on the blog, but the only way to properly experience the festival is to come and see - and smell - for yourself. Today you can come anytime between 10am and 7:30pm (apart from during Mass at 12:15pm and 6:30pm). There is no charge for entry; programmes cost £5. It's well worth it.