Here come a few more pictures of the Flower Festival, which began yesterday and continues until Monday evening.

There has been a steady stream of people looking around throughout the day, and it seems that everyone is impressed with the wonderful displays.

From up in the organ loft (not open to the public!) we managed to get a different perspective.

The Sacred Heart altar near the sacristy door has been decorated by Stanwix Floral Art Society, and represents St Peter in the empty tomb of the risen Lord. The screen around the altar, which was removed in the 1970s, is represented in the display, giving some impression of how the space would have looked as a separate chapel.

Even high up there are displays for people to enjoy. We peeped through this arrangement down into the Cathedral below.

Lots of votive candles have also been lit!

In the Social Centre, a dedicated team are providing refreshments (including some light meals) to visitors. The Cathedral Primary School and members of our Cafe Club youth group have made provided the decoration here, with a few statues of our patron included as part of the display. It's difficult to capture on camera just how beautiful the Cathedral looks, but we'll keep trying - for the benefit of those who can't visit - and bring you some more pictures over the next couple of days.